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The add-on includes parking extensions. With this you can park a call, and pickup later.

This is very usefull for doorbells, so you have time to load the card and register.


Simply use it by calling 444 to park, and 555 to pickup a parked call.


The parking space is configured in res_parking.conf.

parkext => 700
parkpos => 701-703
context => parkedcalls
parkingtime => 60
comebacktoorigin = no
comebackcontext = parkedcallstimeout
parkedmusicclass = default

Here are all the options for parking.

And the default dialplan includes:

; this extension parks the call.
exten => 444,1,Park(,s)

; this extension get's the first parked call. 701 is the parking position.
exten => 555,1,ParkedCall(default,701)